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Currently the working-title of my solo, easy-listening, classical piano album, sphere is still in the very early stages of development. I aim to keep you posted, whether exclusively on this section, or in my blog, throughout the album's creation. This is a long term project for completion during the brief intervals of spare time I currently enjoy. Progress will inevitably be slow, but eventually I'm determined to get there.

Within the last few years my love for music has certainly flourished and the numerous influences from a variety of cultures and personal, life-changing experiences will hopefully be audible in what I wish to develop. As of yet there is no further progress to report, but check back soon for the latest updates.

sphere Logo - ©2007-2009 andyholland.co.uk

The basic intention is that the album will feature myself on solo piano throughout; in the same vein as Ludovico Einaudi. Combining these live recordings, I hope to add extra texture to the pieces through the beautiful new developments in IT that enable a full orchestral sound to form.

Look out soon for any future developments on this exciting new project from andyholland.co.uk